“Keep yourself in the picture” – April 2019

13 May, 2019
Employee engagement news September 2018

Monthly Focus on Employee Engagement and Employee Communications

At The Big Picture People, we’re passionate about employee engagement and communication in the workplace, and keep an eager eye on news, current thinking, and future developments that affect the way we all work.

We’ve condensed the most provocative, insightful and interesting news and blogs that we’ve read from the past month into this article. You can find out:

  • The results of a new survey that show only 21% feel very engaged in the workplace. Put another way, 79% of employees don’t feel very committed to their companies. Could it be that the lack of commitment to companies is embedded in the way that employees feel their companies are committed to them?
  • How employee engagement begins much earlier than many think it does. Companies should get a head start with their employee engagement efforts by showing commitment to their people earlier – and this means embedding engagement strategies in the recruitment process.
  • That almost half of HR directors believe that employee engagement is a top priority for 2019, and almost two-thirds of senior managers agree. In an economy in which the digital nomad is on the increase, what is it that HR managers believe to be key to improving employee engagement?
  • Which of your employees are likely most concerned about the gender pay gap, and how their feelings translate into disengagement and the desire to find a new job. The ADP Workforce View in Europe 2019 survey has found that as many as 68% of UK employees would consider looking for a new job because of unfair pay gaps at their firm.
  • While growing numbers of employers are prioritising the employee experience to improve engagement, many are poor at communicating. In a world in which employees desire to work at a company with a culture that reflects their values and beliefs, the lack of effective communication could damage the ability to attract top talent.

We hope they help to inform and inspire, and perhaps provide discussion ideas for your next team huddle. If there’s anything we’ve missed or a topic you’d like us to tackle for you, please get in touch.


Only 21% of employees are very engaged, new survey finds

A new survey has found that only one in five employees feel very engaged at work. Put another way, this means that 79% of employees don’t feel very committed to their companies – and of these, almost a quarter are ‘fully disengaged’. Could it be that disengagement happens most when employees feel their companies are not committed to them? (Find out more)


The role of employee engagement in recruitment

Engagement plays a big part in the hiring experience, and yet is often overlooked in the recruitment process. By strategizing for engagement earlier, a company will be more likely to hire engageable employees – and during the recruitment process will ensure that long-term commitment to employees is demonstrated. (Find out more)


More than 40% of HR directors view improving employee engagement as the top priority

A new survey conducted by Reward Gateway has found that employee engagement is considered a top priority by 44% of HR directors, and that 63% of senior managers agree with them. Around nine in 10 senior managers and HR directors believe that providing technology that enables recognition of good behaviours will help to improve employee engagement. (Find out more)


The gender pay gap is an engagement factor

Tolerance of the gender pay gap is wearing thin and more than two-thirds of employees would consider looking for a new job if there is an unfair pay gap at their company. These are two of the major findings from the ADP Workforce View in Europe 2019 survey. As the managing director at ADP says, “Employees are prepared to vote with their feet, risking a severe engagement, performance and reputational issues for the companies concerned.” (Find out more)


Employee experience is key to attracting top talent, but most firms don’t know how to communicate

Increasingly, employers are identifying the employee experience as key to improving employee engagement, though a third of employers with an EVP in place say they don’t communicate it effectively to their employees. Better communication will help to attract the best talent – people who want more than a job title, and are looking for a culture that reflects their values and beliefs. (Find out more)


We hope you find these stories informative, and please feel free to share this article with your colleagues and wider network. Once again, if there’s anything we’ve missed or a topic you’d like us to include in future digests, please get in touch.

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