
Tools for sharing your values | S2 E15

First published: 4 May, 2021

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Engaging Internal Comms Series 2
Engaging Internal Comms Series 2
Tools for sharing your values | S2 E15

Tools for sharing your values

In this week’s short episode Craig Smith from The Big Picture People gives a recap of the five tools for sharing your values we’ve discussed over the past few weeks.

They are all free to download from the resources page on The Big Picture People website at www.thebigpicturepeople.co.uk.

Bringing meaning to work is the first resource we shared which helps you look at your employees and what they need from their work. It also looks at where they derive meaning from work, this is really important when it comes to employee engagement. This is a personal reflection exercise.

Determining your values is the second resource which looks at your organisational values. This is useful if they haven’t already been documented or can be used to establish if they are the correct ones. It can also be used to look at your own personal values or those of your team.

Assessing your values is a tool for reflecting on how fit for purpose your organisational values are. Are they instrumental and relevant to your strategy and direction of travel as an organisation? Are they helping you make better decisions?

Using stories to illustrate values is specifically designed as a team exercise and helps to get your people used to talking and sharing examples of your values in action. It’s all about using stories to bring your values to life.

How to better live your values is designed to be used with a team and helps to get them to identify examples of your values being delivered. It also helps identify areas where there are gaps to fill and what you should do more or less of to better deliver your values.

All of these tools are designed to take you to a point where you can identify your values, pressure check them for being fit for purpose but also start to embed them within your organisation.

The reason we’ve been sharing these resources with you is they are all tools and techniques we use when working with our clients. It helps our clients make sure that their values are more than just a set of words on a piece of paper, more than just a bunch of abstract concepts, it makes sure they are embedded within the organisation and everyone can relate to them.

While we’re taking a break from these short episodes for the time being and will be focusing on our fortnightly interview shows, we will be bringing you some more tools and resources in the near future. We hope you’ve found these episodes and resources useful and we’d love to hear from you at info@thebigpicturepeople.co.uk. Or you can leave us a message on our comments form at engagingic.com which is our podcast home page.

We will be returning to our fortnightly shows next week where we interview Eoin Weldon from Merck about the challenges of communicating with offline employees.

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