Nov 23, 2021 | Big Picture People, Culture and values, Employee engagement, Implementing change
Only a couple of years ago, nap pods and ping pong tables were considered the ultimate in office perks. Not any more. The future of work sees a new, empowered, hybrid workforce rejecting such trivial office perks in favour of a more holistic, balanced approach to...
Nov 3, 2021 | Big Picture People, Employee engagement
It seems that remote working, or some form of hybrid working, is here to stay. But what effect will this have on our workplaces, our internal communications and people’s career prospects? According to a recent survey for the BBC, the majority of people believe...
Aug 20, 2021 | Big Picture People, Implementing change
Two years ago, if you had told any large organisation that 40% of their staff should work from home, they would have said it would take at least two years to put into practice. It turns out it can be done over a weekend. With people all over the world returning to the...