Oct 7, 2018 | Employee engagement
Onboard your people to achieve their full potential While it is often quoted that millennial employees are the ones most concerned about working for an organisation that does meaningful work, the results of a study published in April 2018 suggest that older workers...
Jul 11, 2018 | Culture and values, Employee engagement, Vision and purpose
Creating a sense of belonging in the workplace How do business leaders ensure their employees feel a sense of belonging in the workplace? Why is this important? These were some of the questions covered in a recent survey conducted by Culture Amp and Paradigm. The...
May 4, 2018 | Employee engagement
A big picture approach to staff induction Global HR consultancy Mercer have worked with The Big Picture People to update their staff induction with a visual representation of their company and strategy. This helps new starters to see where their roles fit in the...