Charity communicates new vision and strategy via hand drawn animation

Charity communicates new vision and strategy via hand drawn animation allowing people to recognise the key messages quicker.

Key facts and figures

Business priorities: Sharing a new vision to stakeholders
Sector: Charity
Lead contact: Head of Development and Communications
Employees in the picture: 70 people
Locations: United Kingdom
Lead time to launch day: 10 weeks

“A highly effective process for developing a very useful asset.” 

Head of Development and Communications

Our client’s challenge

The John Muir Trust (JMT) is a “wild places” charity dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of the UK’s wild places, for the benefit of all. Founded in 1983, they care for some of the finest wild places in the UK, including Ben Nevis, Helvellyn and Sandwood Bay.

JMT was repositioning its work and wanted to ensure that its trustees and stakeholders understood this. This repositioning involved extending the trust’s remit to cover non-traditional wild spaces such as those found in urban areas. They also wanted to inspire people to protect wild places – creating opportunities for people to volunteer and working with educators to link wild places to learning.

These were complex, nuanced messages that needed to be communicated in a way that enabled recipients to see the interconnected nature of the narrative. It was also important to acknowledge a need for brevity and getting directly to the key points of the message.

Our solution and results

The Big Picture People worked with JMT to create a Hand Drawn Explainer Video. This solution was a flexible and creative solution to JMT’s challenges as it is engaging, entertaining, and educational. They are also faster, easier, and cheaper to create than live videos because they require no actors, lighting, or cameras.

JMT’s hand drawn explainer video was extremely effective at communicating their messages as they included animated text to highlight key points. This allowed viewers to recognise the key messages quickly, while giving the written and spoken word more depth, meaning and longevity when used in tandem. The final video can be viewed here.

Hand Drawn Explainer Videos address the issue that many leaders have in explaining their organisation’s mission, vision, and values to stakeholders. These leaders are usually too close to the detail and the story is too complex to articulate. The Big Picture People  help them articulate these messages via our innovative solutions.

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