FMCG business engages 40,000 employees in H&S via the ‘Go Home Healthy’ Game

Reckitt Benckiser health and safety game behavioural safety programme manufacturing

Key facts and figures

Business priorities: Health and Safety
Sector: FMCG
Lead contact: Global Health & Safety Director
Employees in the picture: 40,000 people
Locations: Worldwide
Lead time to launch day: 3 months

“Participants leave the workshop energised with a clearer understanding, able to share their experience with their colleagues and understand their obligations to look after themselves and look after each other.”

Global Employee Health & Safety and Quality Compliance Director

Our client’s challenge

Reckitt Benckiser (RB) have global manufacturing operations creating household brands fall into three categories: Hygiene, Health and Nutrition including Dettol, Durex, Air Wick, Nurofen and Gaviscon. RB’s mission is to protect, heal and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world.

With such a large and diverse operational footprint, ensuring employees consistently focus on their personal safety is vital and RB truly believe that good safety is good business. RB wanted to create an engaging approach to learning about H&S priorities at in their business. The target audience included approximately 10 to 60 factories with a target population of up to 40,000 employees.

They wanted to utilise a “board-game” mechanic to create an educational but fun experience for delegates and enable delegates to come away knowing the hazards and risk controls associated with the areas they work in and the tasks they perform. Another key goal was to develop a clear understanding of H&S policies, procedures and behavioural expectations related to their roles and to get RB staff to embrace the importance of H&S, understand how it links to “doing good business” and appreciate the part they play in H&S.

Finally, RB wanted a tool for on-boarding new staff into the H&S elements of their job so they appreciate the importance of following procedures and proactively improving safety performance and that would provide an opportunity to maintain focus on H&S over an extended period of time.

Our solution and results

Working with RB’s global safety team, The Big Picture People developed a bespoke version of “The Safety Game®. This game provided a platform for an interactive discussion between small groups of front-line employees and was designed to be facilitated by their line manager.

The game was branded as the ‘Go Home Healthy’ Game and was developed as a serious but fun way to understand how Health and Safety works in RB. It was an interactive workshop designed to help employees bring to life the importance of the Global RB Standards, the safe working behaviours that underpin them and how they can help to reduce injuries.

Decks of cards were created as part of the game mechanic. These included the companies safety standards and emphasised the common sense nature of them to make them feel less technical and remote from front-line employees control and therefore more accessible.

The ‘Go Home Healthy’ Game also included a number of sub-rounds such as a video hazard spotting round and a round aimed at educating employees in the principles of continuous workplace risk assessment.

The ‘Go Home Healthy’ Game was rolled-out through a network of internal facilitators trained by The Big Picture People.

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