
Free and affordable internal communication tools and resources to help you share your organisations big picture.  

Popular internal communication tools and resources

You’re a busy professional with limited time to research and find tools to help you to develop and communicate your organisation’s Big Picture. However, you’re looking for ideas to stimulate your thinking and to get your team involved in your organisation’s change journey. Because of this, we’ve pulled together some of our favourite resources that you can use to shape your thinking and to develop your organisation’s culture and values. These are some of the tools we use with our clients to help their employees to see the Big Picture.

The internal communications tools and resources are broken down into two categories:

Vision and purpose

Personal Reflection

Tools and resources for you to reflect on an aspect of your vision and culture or share with colleagues for them to do the same.  Whether you are looking to assess your organisational values, understand what makes your employees come to work or start to create your own organisational Big Picture, our Personal Reflection tools can help.

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Culture and values

Team Exercises

Tools and resources to use with your team or colleagues to gain their input, build trust or get them to think differently about your organisation’s direction. Whether you are looking to emphasise teamwork, identify behaviours that help or hinder your organisational culture or to find ways to articulate your values, our Team Exercises can help.

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We are adding new tools to our Resources page but if you are looking for something in an area we have not covered, why not arrange a free 30-minute consultation with us and we talk through your requirements with you.