
International business uses learning game to share company values

Key facts and figures

Business priorities: Culture and Values
Communicating Organisational Values
Sector: Manufacturing and Distribution
Lead contact: Head of Communications
Employees in the picture: 16,000 people
Locations: UK, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North & South America
Lead time to launch day: 4 months

“A highly innovative tool that allowed us to share our new organisational values with our global workforce in a very creative way. After the sessions, and in feedback gathered using our external benchmarking system, our employees rated their engagement with the sessions and understanding of the organisational values as “World Class.”

Group Head of Communications

Our client’s challenge

Global success for Aliaxis depends ultimately on effective collaboration together. This was the central requirement for their global business transformation to be successful. They recognised that everyone had their own piece of the puzzle and that everyone contributes in their own special way.

Following on from the highly successful ‘Our Journey Ahead’ Learning Map, Aliaxis asked The Big Picture People to help them to develop a stand-alone derivative to explore the organisational values in more detail. They wanted something that built on the ‘Our Journey Ahead’ but was different enough not to feel repetitive.

The company had three values that it wanted to communicate to its global workforce:

  • Connect to Win
  • Passion to Build
  • Commitment to Care

Aliaxis faced the challenge that is common to many organisations with new values to share. They didn’t want to just communicate them, they wanted to bring them to life for employees and “operationalise them” into day-to-day situations. Values are only useful when they drive consistent action and enable employees to make better decisions.

Aliaxis wanted to encourage even more ownership of change from all employees and help all of us to identify things to change today at an individual, peer or team level.

Our solution and results

We developed and produced ‘The Aliaxis Way’ Values game. This board game style toolkit is designed to be played by two small teams of Aliaxis employees and encourages them to explore day-to-day working challenges where they can apply the organisational values and behaviours.

Challenge is provided through a variety of sub-games such as drawing rounds, charades-type games, business dilemmas to be resolved and business knowledge quizzes. All of these reinforce key messages about the organisational values and their relevance to employees.

The theme is based around a rafting analogy with the game board depicting rapids and other dangers to navigate. The triangular board mirrors the three organisational values (one at each apex). The crocodile (competitor) represents the villain to be overcome!

Initially produced in English, ‘The Aliaxis Way’ has been fully translated into Italian, German, Spanish, French and Dutch by The Big Picture People to ensure employees at all levels across Aliaxis’ global business can play the game and take part.

Aliaxis measured the impact of “The Aliaxis Way” with their employees through the Net Promotor (NPS) process. Employees rated their advocacy for the sessions as follows using the NPS ratings:
• Did the session meet your expectations? – Excellent
• Was the interactive format energising and stimulating? – World Class
• Do you feel you now know more about our new values and behaviours? – Excellent
• How important do you think our new values and behaviours are to our future success? – World Class

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