Communicating company vision puts 16,000 employees in the picture

Key facts and figures

Business priorities: Vision and purpose
Sector: Manufacturing and distribution
Lead contact: Head of Communications
Employees in the picture: 16,000 people
Locations: UK, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North & South America
Lead time to launch day: 6 months


“Universally our employees have really enjoyed the process of having 2 to 3 hours of interactive time with colleagues/peers. It’s been a great team-building activity for them. People have very much appreciated being involved and having the chance to understand the implication of the new strategy.”

Communications Director, Aliaxis

Our client’s challenge

With a global workforce of over 16,000 employees and a turnover of 3,000 million Euros, Aliaxis is a global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of advanced plastic piping systems that leads the way in the creation of sustainable, innovative water and energy.

Communicating the company vision to over 16,000 located across the world was always going to be a challenge for Aliaxis, however with the emergence of their new corporate vision and strategy this became the focal point of a company-wide transformation and change process; employees needed to be put in the picture about how the company vision and strategy connected to local business and team priorities.

Group Head of Communications for Aliaxis set out an aspiration to “Reveal our new company vision and mission in a co-creative and interactive way that would as rapidly as possible engage our senior leadership worldwide”.

Our solution and results

Through our meticulous planning and design process, we worked in collaboration with the Aliaxis project team to develop a Learning Map that includes:

  • A unique Learning Map formatted as a 30-piece jigsaw that brings Aliaxis’ big picture to life, through a powerful visual interpretation of the company’s core strategy, key business objectives, values and change processes, using water and energy metaphors that link to the company’s business activities.
  • A custom-designed series of action learning tools including a large storyboard and dialogue cards to enable leaders and managers to walk through strategy with their people, and a series of games and exercises to engage employees.
  • A comprehensive facilitator guide and toolkit to enable a consistently high-quality experience for both internal facilitators and participants.

The system was launched and rolled out through 2016 and 2017.  Initially produced in English, the Aliaxis Learning Map was fully translated into Italian, German, Spanish, French and Dutch by The Big Picture People to ensure employees at all levels across Aliaxis globally could participate.

Thousands of people were put in the picture quickly and consistently, and energised to contribute, and to reflect on how their roles deliver strategic imperatives for the company.

Aliaxis measured the impact of “The Aliaxis Way” with their employees through the Net Promotor (NPS) process. Employees rated their advocacy for the sessions as follows using the NPS ratings:

  • Did the session meet your expectations? – Excellent 

  • Was the interactive format energising and stimulating? – World Class 

  • Do you feel you now know more about our new values and behaviours? – Excellent 

  • Do you feel you now know more about our Vision, Mission and goals? – Excellent 

  • How important do you think our new values and behaviours are to our future success? – World Class

Such was the success of the Learning Map, Aliaxis commissioned The Big Picture People to develop a complementary sub-system for communicating company values at an even deeper level. This was designed in a game-style format that encouraged employees to explore day-to-day working challenges where they could apply the company values and behaviours. It was equally well received.

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